
Welcome to our home. This place is very special to us so this blog is our way of sharing our home to friends and family. Please check out our recipe book page "Comida Mexicana".

Saturday, December 5, 2015


I suppose it wouldn't be a blog if we didn't share Life in the mountains. We are retired so life up here moves at our pace. It's pretty sweet.
I've been building an airplane for the last three years. Check out My RV7a Home Page blog/log. 
Sweetie is a seamstress beyond measure. She can make anything. Every year the kids and grandkids get hand made creations from Momo.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Comida Mexicana

Welcome to Larson Lodge. I thought it might be a good place to share our Life in the Mountains. Larson Lodge is a pretty special place. It's God's Country. Everyone says if God had a special place to live, Estes Park would be it. We love it.
First order of business is to set up a page for our recipe book. So feel free to check them out. I didn't like the old page. Hopefully this one will be better. Here's a link to the cookbook page.   Comida Mexicana